Deciphering digital inclusion: exploring its relationship with digital literacy and other related variables


  • Ingrid Lucrecia Buch Gómez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



digital inclusion, digital literacy, digital competence, higher level


PROBLEM: In today's digital age, digital literacy is key to participation in society and education. This study explores how digital literacy and related variables are connected to digital inclusion. OBJECTIVE: To establish the relationship between digital literacy and other related variables with the digital inclusion of a group of master’s level students. METHOD: The study was conducted within the postpositivist paradigm and a quantitative approach, using a correlational, cross-sectional, non-experimental design. An online survey was used as the data collection instrument, and the sample consisted of 35 university students selected through non-probabilistic voluntary sampling. RESULTS: In the final model, the following variables were significant at an alpha level of 5%: number of completed ICT trainings of less than forty hours, knowledge of cybercrimes, knowledge of security protocols, and Digital Literacy, with a correlation coefficient of R=0.843, R²=0.711, and adjusted R²=0.673. The average Digital Inclusion index was 0.46, with 0.48 for women and 0.45 for men. The Digital Literacy index averaged 0.45, decreasing slightly to 0.44 for women and remaining at 0.45 for men. Regarding digital competence, the overall average was 0.41, with 0.40 for usage and 0.43 for knowledge. CONCLUSION: digital literacy is directly related to digital inclusion, with a coefficient of β4=0.152, which was significant at the 5% level. This indicates that a one-unit change in digital literacy results in a proportional change of 0.152 units in digital inclusion, suggesting that a higher level of digital literacy among students is positively associated with a higher level of digital inclusion.


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Author Biography

Ingrid Lucrecia Buch Gómez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante del Doctorado de Innovación y Tecnología Educativa, Facultad de Humanidades, Maestría en Economía y Finanzas Cuantitativas del programa del Banco de Guatemala-Universidad Rafael Landívar, Ingenia industrial de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Cinco años de experiencia en docencia universitaria en la Universidad Rafael Landívar, actualmente docente de la escuela de estudios de Postgrado de Ciencias Económicas


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How to Cite

Buch Gómez, I. L. (2024). Deciphering digital inclusion: exploring its relationship with digital literacy and other related variables. Revista Científica Internacional, 7(1), 269–286.



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