Teaching in the virtual modality and its contribution to student learning


  • Luis Arturo Méndez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




learning, teaching modality, covid-19


PROBLEM: The Covid-19 pandemic caused the Executive to issue decisions to reduce the contagion and spread of the virus. The Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala suspended face-to-face academic and administrative activities, promoting the use of cyberspace and the virtual teaching modality was implemented in an improvised, abrupt and challenging manner. OBJECTIVE: to analyze the way in which virtual teaching contributes to the learning acquired by students, identifying and describing the factors that affect or favor the teaching-learning process according to the appreciation of students and teachers. METHOD: A mixed approach was used, analyzing quantitative information on percentage variables that affect or favor acquired learning, and qualitative information describing or characterizing the factors that contribute negatively to acquired learning; the research was descriptive, explanatory and sequential. RESULTS: 15 factors were identified that affect learning acquired through the virtual modality, two of which favor this process and 13 of which affect it. CONCLUSION: the perception of students and teachers is not very good and the modality is not preferred for receiving and teaching classes; not all teachers handle digital tools and the evaluation system implemented is not an indicator of assimilated learning; the lack of practical field and laboratory activities limits the strengthening of acquired knowledge and learning.


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Author Biography

Luis Arturo Méndez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Soy Maestro en Investigación M.Sc., egresado de la facultad de humanidades, e Ingeniero Agrónomo en Sistemas de Producción Agrícola, egresado de la Facultad de Agronomía, ambas de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala –USAC-, actualmente profesor interino en la carrera de Agronomía y coordinador del Instituto de Investigaciones del Centro Universitario de El Progreso de la USAC, docente investigador registrado con número de RUI 1354 en la Dirección General de Investigación de la Universidad de San Carlos.  En el año 2020 coordinó la ejecución de tres proyectos financiado con fondos de la DIGI en el departamento de El Progreso.


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How to Cite

Méndez, L. A. (2023). Teaching in the virtual modality and its contribution to student learning. Revista Científica Internacional, 6(1), 111–125. https://doi.org/10.46734/revcientifica.v6i1.69



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