The importance of the planning instruments (PEI, POM and POA) of latin american government institutions


  • Danny Alejandro Interiano Osorio Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala



multi-year planning, annual planning, strategic planning, indicators


Problem: The planning challenge for the public sector in Guatemala, to improve the PEI, POM and POA planning instruments. Objective: Describe the importance of carrying out a good planning of public sector institutions. Method: Historical research, planning theories and concepts were reviewed, as well as data obtained on the importance of planning (PEI, POM and POA) of public institutions. Result: Shows the importance of public institutions in Latin America in the implementation of strategic and operational planning to improve the results and goals planned for a stipulated period of time. Conclusion: Strategic and operational planning allows institutions to focus the efforts of the institutions, generate a better result of their proposed goals and thus use the resources allocated to meet the goals or results in a better way. And how these can generate a positive impact on users. Planning has gained ground in an institutional way in a large part of the countries, being part of a constitutional range. The instruments of Strategic and Operational Planning are instruments that allow institutions to set the course of the country, integrated allows to identify the cause of the problems that affect the population; In Strategic Planning, it is possible to establish the work of the institution and allows it to achieve its goals, to establish what those goals will be to be achieved in the medium and long term, in general, strategic plans are designed for 10 years.


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Author Biography

Danny Alejandro Interiano Osorio , Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala

Doctorado en Ciencias de la Investigación, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, Maestría en Informática con Énfasis en Banca Electrónica y Comunicaciones, Ingeniero en Sistema de Información y Ciencias de la Computación.


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How to Cite

Interiano Osorio , D. A. (2023). The importance of the planning instruments (PEI, POM and POA) of latin american government institutions. Revista Científica Internacional, 6(1), 87–97.



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