Computer Systems: The factors to improve the results of companies and organizations


  • Danny Alejandro Interiano Osorio Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala



technology, computer systems, information, information security, smes


Problem: There is a challenge for companies to keep up to date in the area of ​​information technology, automating processes and adapting to changes in technology, this allows identifying the factors that can generate the success of companies or organizations. Objective: Determine the factors and relevance generated by computer systems to achieve success in a company or organization. Method: It is a mainly historical, descriptive, quantitative and reflective method that allows identifying the advances in computer systems and how companies must adapt to technological advances in order to achieve success in the organization. Result: Shows how companies or organizations use computer resources to increase the automation of processes and generate better results within companies. Also, to be more efficient, where it seeks to improve the results of the companies. Conclusion: Companies must use technologies to emphasize the importance of adapting to technological changes and promoting the development of employees and thus generate fully competitive people who can adapt to change and improvement that companies propose, in order to increase the business competitive. It is intended to identify what are the advantages of using computer systems, in medium-sized companies the characteristics that include computer systems. Mention must also be made of the factor associated with the knowledge of the people belonging to each organization, because a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge of ICTs contributes substantially to the development of the company.


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Author Biography

Danny Alejandro Interiano Osorio , Universidad Mariano Galvez de Guatemala

Doctorado en Ciencias de la Investigación, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala, Maestría en Informática con Énfasis en Banca Electrónica y Comunicaciones, Ingeniero en Sistema de Información y Ciencias de la Computación.


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How to Cite

Interiano Osorio , D. A. (2023). Computer Systems: The factors to improve the results of companies and organizations. Revista Científica Internacional, 6(1), 98–110.



Artículos Científicos