Challenges and Opportunities in the Transition to a Teaching Master's Degre


  • Hugo Mendoza Vásquez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



challenges, opportunities, transition, teaching career


OBJECTIVE: To identify the challenges and opportunities faced by teachers in the transition process of the teaching career. METHOD: The study is framed within a qualitative approach, with a descriptive scope and a phenomenological design. Focus groups were conducted with primary and secondary education teachers, as well as with instructors from the Initial Teacher Training program. RESULTS: It was observed that a constructivist training approach is provided to teacher trainers, administrators, and students of the Initial Teacher Training program, including analysis and design of the curricular frameworks, curriculum, and study programs for the bachelor’s in education and the initial teacher training program. There is a strengthening of the program, motivation, and incentives to attract students to study the Intercultural Primary Education Teaching degree, attention to graduates, and their integration into the teaching workforce. Training and development of teachers involved in the bachelor’s in education and those in the Initial Teacher Training program should receive greater attention due to its relevance in preparing future teachers. CONCLUSION: The challenges faced by teachers range from administrative aspects to adjustments in pedagogical dynamics. Significant opportunities were identified, such as the potential for professional improvement and the enrichment of pedagogical skills.


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Author Biography

Hugo Mendoza Vásquez , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante del Doctorado en Educación en la Fahusac, Maestro en Educación para el Desarrollo Fahusac, Licenciado en Pedagogía y Administración Educativa, egresado de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Asesor de Ejercicio Profesional Supervisado a nivel de grado, certificado por la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Vásquez , H. (2024). Challenges and Opportunities in the Transition to a Teaching Master’s Degre. Revista Científica Internacional, 7(1), 236–251.



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