Cross-sectional descriptive study of metacognitive functions in university students


  • Jorge Eduardo Bran Girón Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



neuroscience, metacognition, research, learning, education


PROBLEM: evaluation of metacognitive skills in university students to understand how they plan, monitor, evaluate and regulate their learning process. OBJECTIVE: to analyze and evaluate the metacognitive skills of university students using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI). METHOD: descriptive cross-sectional study with analytical approach RESULTS: The results of the study revealed that 51.43% of the students presented low levels of metacognition, 30.26% high levels and 18.31% medium levels. Monitoring skills stood out with an Odds Ratio (OR) of 3.932 and a p-value < 0.0005, indicating a significant difference compared to the other skills. Planning showed an OR of 1.397 and evaluation an OR of 1.365, both also with p values ​​< 0.0005. Cognitive regulation presented an OR of 0.715, with a p value < 0.0005, indicating that these skills vary considerably among the students evaluated. CONCLUSION: The results indicate a significant prevalence of low metacognitive skills in university students, especially in the areas of planning and monitoring. It is crucial to implement educational strategies that strengthen these skills to improve self-regulated learning.


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Author Biography

Jorge Eduardo Bran Girón, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Doctorando de Investigación en Educación, del Centro Universitario de Zacapa, Médico y Cirujano egresado de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala con maestría en ciencias Médicas en Geriatría y Gerontología; se dedica a la docencia de ciencias de la salud y enfoque en áreas de investigación científica en  Neurociencias. 


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How to Cite

Bran Girón, J. E. (2024). Cross-sectional descriptive study of metacognitive functions in university students. Revista Científica Internacional, 7(1), 154–166.



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