Learning and knowledge technologies and their influence on the development of complex thinking


  • Adela Leticia Argueta Ochoa Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




learning technologies, knowledge, complex thinking, master's degrees, higher education


OBJECTIVE: determine the influence of learning and knowledge technologies on the development of complex thinking. METHOD: a constructivist paradigm was used, with a mixed approach, descriptive scope and concurrent design. A sample of 133 students was selected through simple random sampling and 6 teachers through convenience sampling. Surveys were applied to students and interviews to teachers. RESULTS: 37.59% of students consider that learning and knowledge technologies contextualize the contents, linking them with reality; 35.30% who favor the exploration of diverse perspectives and sources of information; 34.77% that allow you to experiment with the content and establish your own mental connections; 37.60% that facilitate access to multiple perspectives and points of view; 40.60% that promote dynamic and flexible learning; 44.4% that promote dialogue and discussion about real problems. These findings were corroborated in the interviews, where teachers highlighted the benefits of technologies, although they pointed out the need for greater training to enhance complex thinking. CONCLUSION: students recognize the positive influence of technologies in the development of complex thinking. Teachers recognize advantages, and they also demand more solid training for its effective implementation, highlighting the need for a continuous and quality training process to fully understand complex thinking.


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Author Biography

Adela Leticia Argueta Ochoa, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante del Doctorado en Innovación y tecnología educativa, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala Magister en Educación con mención en Formador de Formadores, Universidad Rafael Landívar Licenciada en Pedagogía y ciencias de la educación Centro Universitario de Occidente, Guatemala. Profesora universitaria tanto a nivel de pre-grado, grado, y maestría en cuanto a investigación educativa ha abordado temas como la mejora del proceso educativo mediante la investigación didáctica y la práctica docente como estrategia curricular. Su experiencia incluye la publicación de artículos y la realización de trabajos de graduación en instituciones como la USAC y la Universidad Rafael Landívar.  Su labor se extiende como asesora y revisora de tesis en el ámbito de la educación, contribuyendo al desarrollo académico y profesional de otros educadores


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How to Cite

Argueta Ochoa, A. L. (2024). Learning and knowledge technologies and their influence on the development of complex thinking. Revista Científica Internacional, 7(1), 88–101. https://doi.org/10.46734/revcientifica.v7i1.78



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