HUMANS 5.0: human resources, a fundamental asset for competitiveness


  • Luis Daniel Alvarez López Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala



transhumanism, society 5.0, competitiveness


Problem: There is a continuous challenge that companies, managers and collaborators face to adapt to the deep and radical changes of society 5.0, which require new cognitive, affective and behavioral demands. Objective: describe and reflect on the important soft and hard skills in humans to promote competitiveness and comprehensive growth in the organization. Method: mainly descriptive and reflective, analyzing literature on current technological developments and their impact on humans. A retrospective of technological evolution is carried out, from society and the industrial revolution 4.0 to society and the industrial revolution 5.0, highlighting the presence of digital and systematization technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data. Results: show that the development of new technologies is transforming the way work is done and the interaction between employees and technology. In addition, the importance of transhumanism and posthumanism is highlighted, where the aim is to improve the human being through the implementation of intelligent technologies and the development of superior capacities. Conclusion: in society 5.0 it is essential to manage the human being effectively, developing digital skills and ethical-technological skills. The importance of adapting to technological changes and promoting the improvement of the human through transhumanism and posthumanism is emphasized, all in order to increase organizational competitiveness.Traducir el resumen al idioma Inglés


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Author Biography

Luis Daniel Alvarez López, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala

Doctorando en Ciencias de la Investigación, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala; MSc. en Administración de Negocios, Universidad Galileo de Guatemala; M.A. en Educación Superior, Universidad Mariano Gálvez de Guatemala. Teólogo, Consultor, Gerente y Docente universitario.


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How to Cite

Alvarez López, L. D. (2023). HUMANS 5.0: human resources, a fundamental asset for competitiveness. Revista Científica Internacional, 6(1), 46–60.



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